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Open Access Resources : Chemistry


Open access publishing | Chemistry Library

o    Advances in physical chemistry

o    American Chemical Science Journal

o    American Journal of Analytical Chemistry

o    American Journal of Applied Sciences

o    Analytical Chemistry Insights

o    Analytical Sciences

o    ARKIVOC - Online Journal of Organic Chemistry

o    Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry (BJOC)

o    Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications

o    Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry

o    Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society

o    Chemistry Education Research and Practice

o    ChemistryOpen

o    Facta universitatis - series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology

o    Green and Sustainable Chemistry

o    International Journal of Analytical Chemistry

o    International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry

o    International Journal of Chemistry

o    International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

o    International Journal of Organic Chemistry

o    International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry

o    ISRN Organic Chemistry

o    ISRN Analytical Chemistry

o    ISRN Physical Chemistry

o    ISRN Polymer Science

o    Journal of Analytical methods in Chemistry

o    Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research

o    Journal Chemistry

o    Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering – jESE

o    Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences

o    Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society

o    Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society

o    Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society

o    Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society

o    Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

o    The Open Analytical Chemistry Journal

o    The Open Colloid Science Journal

o    The Open Electrochemistry Journal

o    The Open Inorganic Chemistry Journal

o    Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

o    Open Journal of Physical Chemistry

o    Polymers

o    Records of Natural Products

o    International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

o    Organic Chemistry International

o    Advances in Physical Chemistry

o    Ukrainica Bioorganica Acta

o    Turkish Journal of Chemistry

o    Chembiofinder

o    SOLV-DB

o    The Periodic Table on Web

o    International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Nomenclature

o    Yahoo Chemistry

o    Galaxy

o    Link for Chemist - WWW Virtual Library from University of Liverpool

o    Chemistry Web Resources contents page




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