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Showing posts from April, 2021

The 2021 International Booker Prize shortlist has been announced

Check all the Details:    

Book of the Day: Exploring the Earth under the Sea: Australian and New Zealand achievements in the first phase of IODP Scientific Ocean Drilling

 Read online/Download   Exploring the Earth under the Sea brings to life the world’s largest and longest-lived geological research program, which has been drilling over many decades at many locations deep below the ocean floor to recover continuous cores of sediment and rock. Study of these materials has helped us understand how the Earth works now, how it has worked in the past and how it may work in the future. The cores are a wonderful source of information on the dynamic processes that form and reform the Earth, both beneath the ocean and on land. The results have revealed climate and oceanographic change on different time frames, the history of life in the sea and on land including global mass extinctions, the extraordinary story of the great masses of ‘extremophile’ microbes that live beneath the sea bed, the nature of the giant earthquakes and tsunami generated at the trenches where tectonic plates collid...

Featured Website:

  Europeana is a web portal created by the European Union containing digitised museum collections of more than 3,000 institutions across Europe. It includes records of over 10 million cultural and scientific artefacts, brought together on a single platform and presented in a variety of ways relevant to modern users.      

Featured News Article from Nature

  COVID vaccines and blood clots: five key questions  

Featured News Article

Europe’s Oldest-Known Modern Humans  

Open Educational Resources

  Open Course Materials 1. MIT Open Courseware-  This page is an index to the online textbooks in MIT OpenCourseWare. Each link below goes to a course or resource page that contains the textbook files. 2.  OpenStax Openstax Humanities Collection Openstax Social Sciences Collection Openstax Business Collection Openstax Maths Collection   3. OASIS A large user-friendly OER search engine that allows for users to search by subject or by course material type (e.g. textbooks, simulations, audio). 4.  Open Courseware An independent search engine that indexes open education classes from places like MIT, Yale, and UMass. 5 . Open Learning Initiative Complete courses from Carnegie Mellon University 6. Noba - Psychology Modules A series of modules in the field of Psychology from Introductory courses to more advanced topics. 7. OERu OERu offers a number of full courses in fields like business, economics, digital literacy, and history from partner universities around the wor...

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